Ah, the convienence of the Google toolbar. But I digress.
The first site I went to explained:
The Kyoto Protocol was an agreement negotiated by many countries in December 1997 and came into force with Russia's ratification on February 16, 2005. The reason for the lengthy timespan between the terms of agreement being settled upon and the protocol being engaged was due to terms of Kyoto requiring at least 55 parties to ratify the agreement and for the total of those parties emissions to be at least 55% of global production of greenhouse gases.
...Participating countries that have ratified (which is an important term that I'll clarify) the Kyoto Protocol have committed to cut emissions of not only carbon dioxide, but of also other greenhouse gases...
If participant countries continue with emissions above the targets, then they are required to engage in emissions trading; i.e. buying "credits" from other participant countries who are able to exceed their reduction targets in order to offset.
I sense 'Carbon Credits' nearby. These things, from what I understand, are handed out in a set amount to people/countries. You're only allowed to emit so much Co2 (I guess no one took breathing into consideration) and if you emit too much, you have to purchase carbon credits to make up the shortfall. If you're interested in learning more, I found this to be interesting. Apparently, the carbon credit scheme is about to fail.
From yet another site, I learned this:
As a U.S. presidential candidate, George W. Bush promised to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Shortly after he took office in 2001, however, President Bush withdrew U.S. support for the Kyoto Protocol and refused to submit it to Congress for ratification.
Good. I'm glad to hear not. (Not the part about emmisions, the part about the protocol.)
So despite everything they say about the KP, it's failing. And I'm happy to say America never agreed. (Here's hoping they never do.)
Interesting tidbits to chew on, at the least. 'Til next time.
Date Begun: 10-14-08
Date completed: 10-15-08
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