Welcome to New Revolution!

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Welcome to New Revolution - Cynical Book. Formerly this blog was home to a few articles on global warming, but post Climategate, there seems to be no need for that anymore.

Instead, this blog is now being used to host a fan fiction that tells the story of modern events, through the lense of Axis Powers Hetalia, a manga created and owned by Hidekazu Himaruya, and several original characters based off APH but created by me.

Please enjoy the story, and drop a comment to let me know how you liked it. (You don't need to have a Google account to leave a comment on this blog.)

Story Title: New Revolution
Rating: Pg-13, T
Genre: Current Events, Drama

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chapter 6: Arizona Iced Tea

Summary: Determined to hit Arizona where it hurts, right in his economy, California and D.C. devise a scheme to boycott Arizona Iced Tea ... too bad the stuff's made in New York.


"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Anonymous

"Thank you so much, California you twit." New York said through grit teeth.

"Don't growl at me," She said snottily. "I'm just trying to do my part to make Arizona give up that stupid immigration bill of his.

In New York's penthouse apartment, he, California, and D.C. were talking.

"Yes, but sometimes it would be nice if you looked before you lept." New York continued.

"Come on Anthony. Arizona's way out of line." California said. "He needs to be taught a lesson!"

"Yes, but I heard from Massachusets who heard from West Virginia who heard from Arkansas who got it from Texas who said that Arizona threatened to turn off your lights if you tried to mess up his economy." New York said. "And besides, Arizona Iced Tea is made in Brooklyn!!"

California paused. "Brooklyn?"

"Brooklyn, New York." Anthony confirmed.

"Look, we're trying to get that moron to see the light, okay?" D.C. said.

"Yes, but you've got the wrong state's economy!" New York said. "If sales of that stuff go down, I'm blaming both of you morons!"


T.A.R.N.S: Yep, I was right, it was another short chapter. But I couldn't pass up the oppurtunity to write this.

In an attempt to hurt the AZ economy, liberals decided to boycott all Arizona businesses, including that brand of ice tea that, since it has 'Arizona' on the label must obviously be made in Arizona. Liberals failed to read the fine print, though, Arizona Iced Tea is made in Brooklyn New York.

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