Welcome to New Revolution!

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Welcome to New Revolution - Cynical Book. Formerly this blog was home to a few articles on global warming, but post Climategate, there seems to be no need for that anymore.

Instead, this blog is now being used to host a fan fiction that tells the story of modern events, through the lense of Axis Powers Hetalia, a manga created and owned by Hidekazu Himaruya, and several original characters based off APH but created by me.

Please enjoy the story, and drop a comment to let me know how you liked it. (You don't need to have a Google account to leave a comment on this blog.)

Story Title: New Revolution
Rating: Pg-13, T
Genre: Current Events, Drama

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 2: Global Cooling, Part 1

As I was wandering around, looking for tidbits about global cooling, I began wondering if global cooling was the end result of global warming. Then I dismissed the thought. It's called temperature fluctuation. It happens.

According to DailyTech, winter is getting worse everywhere. Reuters, from an Old Farmer's Almanac report, is also warning of this:

"The next 20 years, it's going to be colder," said Sarah Perreault, assistant editor of the Old Farmer's Almanac. "We do recognize that (global cooling) could be offset by greenhouse gasses and other human effects on the earth, but we're trending toward the cool period now."

I guess we'll find out. But as the BMI Special Report put it, The media can't decide whether we face an Ice Age or global warming. This article is also said to be a history of heating and cooling scares. I scaned bits and pieces of this article. This has been going on for years. Cold, then hot, then cold, and hot. For 110 years, if this article is to be trusted.

So first it's hot, and then it's cold. So what's a person to do? I suggest driving to work, earning money for food, hanging out with family and friends; you know, living life. I think that we can safely say no one knows what's going on.

Date Begun: 10-13-08

Date completed: 10-13-08

Until the media decides global cooling is the Next Great Calamity, Cynical Book will continue to focus on global warming.

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