Welcome to New Revolution!

~ Sticky Post - Scroll down for updates ~

Welcome to New Revolution - Cynical Book. Formerly this blog was home to a few articles on global warming, but post Climategate, there seems to be no need for that anymore.

Instead, this blog is now being used to host a fan fiction that tells the story of modern events, through the lense of Axis Powers Hetalia, a manga created and owned by Hidekazu Himaruya, and several original characters based off APH but created by me.

Please enjoy the story, and drop a comment to let me know how you liked it. (You don't need to have a Google account to leave a comment on this blog.)

Story Title: New Revolution
Rating: Pg-13, T
Genre: Current Events, Drama

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Sticky Post is up!

As if you couldn't tell that when you came in. Alas, no blog roll, (at least not for the Newspapers I wanted) but there will be a link list.

I'm starting to think that the first chapter of the story itself will go up before I get that APH guide up. I'm okay with that, but we'll see how things go. I have also been working on my new and improved blog banner!

I plan for it to look very similar to the current one, but there are some differences. First, I plan to make it a smidge bigger. It will also have "New Revolution" on it, and I'm thinking about redoing the wording on the clip art of the book. I've been working on it, but I'm not sure yet. After all, it doesn't need to say Cynical book on it, does it? You guys know that's the Cynical Book avatar, right?

Also, since this banner is done like the first one with lots of words behind it, everything looks kind of awkward on it. I sort of remember the current CB banner seeming that way to me, too, back when I first made it. But I've only got to sort a few more things out and then I can post it up.

We are up to four newspapers now, and expect more to come as I find ones I'm like. Right now I'm looking for a newspaper from Arizona.

But for now, back to work.


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